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Archive Medicine and Dentistry 2020

Article list Medicine and Dentistry

  • UZH COVID-19 Vaccination Center

    «It always seems impossible, until it's done»

    Jan Fehr and his team have set up the first reference vaccination center for the canton of Zurich. Vaccinations started on Monday. In our interview, the head of UZH’s Public and Global Health Department talks about some of the personnel and logistical challenges involved in establishing the new center.
  • Depression therapy

    Adrift on the Ocean

    Psilocybin, the active ingredient found in certain mushrooms, expands the boundaries of the self and reduces anxiety. Psychiatrist Franz X. Vollenweider wants to harness this effect to treat patients suffering from depression.
  • Covid-19 Drive-In Test Center Dübendorf

    A Testing Lab on the Airfield

    The UZH Space Hub is supporting the new coronavirus drive-in test center managed by Balgrist University Hospital. The Space Hub director Oliver Ullrich and his team have set up a test laboratory at the military airfield in Dübendorf and are coordinating teams of UZH students to provide assistance. Starting this week, the center is also offering rapid antigen tests.
  • 150 Years University Hospital of Psychiatry Zurich

    “Worms don’t develop schizophrenia”

    The University Hospital of Psychiatry Zurich is celebrating its 150th anniversary this year. The hospital, often referred to as the “Burghölzli”, has a rich and varied past. Paul Hoff, deputy director of the Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, looks back on historical developments in psychiatric care, with a focus on the doctor-patient relationship.
  • Neurosciences

    The Mind and the Body

    The development of our consciousness and sense of self is closely linked to how we perceive our body.
  • Emotions Research

    Investigating the Consequences of Child Abuse in Different Countries

    Psychologist Monique Pfaltz researches the socio-emotional consequences of abuse and neglect in childhood. She recently launched an international initiative to carry out transcultural and transnational research projects.
  • In the Spotlight

    Die Unermüdliche

    Over the past months, Alexandra Trkola, head of the Institute of Medical Virology at UZH, has been showing her mettle as a researcher and communicator.
  • Gender Medicine

    Women's Hearts Age Differently

    Cardiologist Catherine Gebhard’s research focuses on why certain diseases affect women and men differently. For the gender medicine pioneer, the corona pandemic is both a textbook example and a call for action at the same time.
  • Physiology

    Maternal Elixir

    Mothers' milk has always been subject to superstitious beliefs and questions. How long should mothers breastfeed? What if it doesn't work? UZH human biologist Thierry Hennet's aim is to find rational arguments, and to identify how breastmilk protects babies from infections.
  • Fall Semester 2020 Ringvorlesungen

    Lectures on Humans, Health and Pestalozzi’s Legacy

    The University of Zurich’s latest round of public Ringvorlesungen explores what it means to be human, education in the age of technology, health in a digital society, and gender in the Middle Ages. The lecture series kicks off on 15 September.
  • Georg Friedrich Götz Award

    Georg Friedrich Götz Award

    Cancer researcher and physician Steffen Böttcher from the Medical Oncology and Hematology Clinic, and neuroscientist Silvia Brem from the University Hospital of Psychiatry Zurich, have been presented with the Georg Friedrich Götz Award. The prize is awarded annually for outstanding contributions in the field of medical research.
  • Medicine

    Comprehensive Cancer Center

    Around 40,000 people are diagnosed with cancer in Switzerland every year. In this interview with UZH News, Markus Manz, the new chair of the Comprehensive Cancer Center Zurich (CCCZ), explains why he’s convinced that close collaboration between clinicians and researchers will give a renewed boost to efforts to develop innovative approaches in cancer medicine.
  • Evolution

    The harsher the environment, the more help parents receive

    Cooperative childcare is essential for us humans. It allowed us to evolve larger brains, to better learn from one another, and to be more social. But why did human evolution take this course?
  • Minor BioMed Entrepreneurship

    Unternehmerisches Denken früh aneignen

    An innovative new minor is imparting business knowledge to Master’s students in the life sciences. The program aims to give students earlier access to the tools they need to translate academic research into marketable products and business concepts.
  • Medicine

    Space Bones

    Microgravity in space could help us manufacture human tissue. Researchers at the UZH Space Hub sent stem cells to the International Space Station (ISS) to explore this idea. The samples have now returned to earth.
  • International Relations Office

    Joining Forces

    The University of Zurich and Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin are entering into a strategic partnership. This will enable Zurich and Berlin to step up cooperation in medical research and teaching. The first joint priority area is digitalization in medicine.
  • Research Project "Corona Immunitas"

    Journey out of the Lockdown

    The coronavirus isn't going anywhere anytime soon. As long as there is no vaccine, policymakers need reliable information about the level of infection within the population. Milo Puhan, an epidemiologist at UZH, is leading a national study that investigates this very issue.
  • Covid-19 Research

    Are We Immune Enough?

    There are still many unanswered questions around the coronavirus: How many people in Switzerland are immune? How long does immunity last? And how can high-risk patients be quickly identified and given the best treatment? Three UZH researchers told us in these video interviews about their search for the answers.
  • Pandemic Fund

    UZH Researchers in the Fight Against Coronavirus

    The UZH Foundation has launched a fundraising campaign for urgent research projects tackling the Covid-19 pandemic. The focus is on research into antibodies to determine immunity and improvements in treatment.
  • The University of Zurich’s New COVID-19 Test Center

    “We’re bridging a gap”

    On 30 March a new COVID-19 test center was opened on the premises of the UZH Center for Travel Medicine. In this interview with UZH News, Professor Jan Fehr, the director of the center, explains why a new test facility is important and who it is primarily geared to.
  • Detecting Sars-CoV-2

    Virologists on the Frontline

    Staff at the University of Zurich’s Institute of Medical Virology have been working flat out and are now able to carry out around 800 to 1,000 coronavirus tests a day. Alexandra Trkola, who heads the institute, explains what determines the quality of a good diagnosis.
  • Mental Health

    “We want to relieve the burden on family doctors”

    Birgit Watzke does research into specialist care provision for people with mental health needs.
  • Medicine

    Fixing Hearts, Saving Lives

    Artificial heart valves save many lives. But the problem is that a prosthesis is never as robust as the real thing. This is why UZH Professor Maximilian Emmert wants to get the human body to rebuild the damaged valves itself.