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  • “Listen to your inner voice”

    Find out how 2024 Teaching Award winner Marc Thommen fosters interaction in his courses and why curiosity and enthusiasm are the best guiding lights to get students through their studies.
  • Less Inequality with AI

    Over the years, digitalization has led to the axing of many lower-skilled jobs, thereby polarizing the employment market. But AI could enhance some of the simpler jobs and reduce inequality.
  • “Switzerland is as deeply polarized as the USA”

    In many democracies, those on the left and right of the political divide are drifting further apart. Political discourse is increasingly spiteful and hostile. Silja Häusermann and Simon Bornschier from the Department of Political Science at UZH explain why this is the case and whether it poses a threat to democracy.
  • Brains and Bots

    AI avatars, co-creation, job crafting, emotionally intelligent companies – the new UZH Magazin explores how digital technologies are changing our work and what this means for us.
  • Public Discourse Promotes Socially Responsible Behavior

    Public discourse campaigns often promote social responsibility, but do such discussions also impact our market behavior? Economists at the University of Zurich have published a new study that shows that engaging in public discourse increases socially responsible market behavior – regardless of participants’ social norms and values.

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URPP Highlights


UZH Magazin: Brains and Bots

The new UZH Magazin explores how digital technologies are changing our work and what this means for us.


Visual "UZH Research Spotlight"

Seeds from the Vault

Researchers at UZH are freezing the seeds of threatened local plants to help increase the biodiversity of ecosystems in the future.


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UZH Weekly

In our Friday newsletter UZH Weekly we send you a round-up of the best university stories of the week, as well as a selection of upcoming events and links to media coverage featuring UZH experts.

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