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UZH News

Archive Videos 2018

13 articles

Article list Videos

  • Video

    What we wish for

    Christmas is a time to make wishes. We asked the UZH staff and students to tell us their hopes for 2019. Find out what they said in our video. From UZH News: Happy holidays and may all your wishes come true!
  • Long Night of Careers

    Long Night of Careers

    The effects of the digital revolution are being seen everywhere – including in jobseeking and recruitment. At the Long Night of Careers taking place this week on 22 November, you can get lots of useful tips for planning your career. Here’s a sneak preview.
  • Master Info Event

    Master Info Event

    Sociology or cultural analysis? Computational or comparative linguistics? At the Master’s information event in mid-November, Bachelor’s students from the third semester or above could find out about selected Master’s degree programs at UZH. In the video, some students tell us which Master they could choose.
  • Zürich meets San Francisco

    Building Bridges with San Francisco

    Last week saw researchers from Switzerland and California gather at the Zürich meets San Francisco festival. On the agenda was the influence of social media on democracy.
  • 100 Ways of Thinking

    Food for Thought

    For Elisabeth Bronfen, any day without cooking is a sad day. As part of the 100 Ways of Thinking exhibition, the professor of English literature cooked a mouthwatering meal for the visitors in the Kunsthalle – and showed that cooking and thinking go hand in hand.
  • Behavioral science

    Animals and us.

    Language, intelligence, cooperation – the things that supposedly set humans apart are increasingly being discovered in the animal kingdom. Animals hold a mirror up to our own nature and help us understand what makes us human.
  • Kiosks Reopen

    Time for a Coffee

    Just in time for the start of the new semester, the kiosks in the University’s main building and on Irchel Campus have reopened, selling freshly brewed coffee and the little treats that every student needs occasionally.
  • Partner Day

    Cultivating Relationships

    On Partner Day, on which UZH’s international partner universities come together, delegates from universities all over the world visited the main building of UZH. Hear from the participants in our video.
  • 100 Ways of Thinking

    A Collective Visual Conversation

    The 100 Ways of Thinking science festival, which will be on for the next 10 weeks, has finally kicked off. UZH has taken up space in the Kunsthalle Zürich to showcase the links between art and science. Last Tuesday saw a very special event take place: Famous Polish artist Artur Żmijewski invited people to join him in producing a collective painting – as seen in the video.
  • Talk im Turm

    “We’ve come a long way already”

    After years of little progress, cancer research has now entered into a gold rush. The Talk im Turm event on cancer and precision medicine shone an optimistic light on a difficult topic.
  • Second LERU Gender Conference

    Gender Always Plays a Role

    Women are less likely than men to reach top positions in academia and are under-represented at higher levels – the result of unconscious prejudices? The LERU Gender Conference, which took place at UZH last week, was devoted to exploring the topic of implicit bias.
  • Chemistry Days

    The Energy of the Future

    They're young and interested in learning about the energy of the future: 40 high school students were given the opportunity to explore the chemistry laboratories at UZH last week. Some impressions can be seen in the video below (in German).
  • Talk im Turm

    Wormholes and the Cradle of Modernity

    Screws, glasses, printing: The inventions of the Renaissance triggered a dramatic surge in development. Will digitalization have a comparable impact on modern society? Historian Bernd Roeck and physicist Titus Neupert debated the question at UZH’s Talk im Turm podium discussion.