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    Sleep Research

    Neurons Humming

    Sleep disorders are very common, and they’re particularly problematic for people with Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers at UZH, USZ and ETH are developing a device that can help patients sleep more deeply and improve their quality of life.
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    The Future of Teaching at UZH

    The Future of Teaching at UZH

    UZH has launched a new initiative called the Future of Teaching (“Zukunft der Lehre”). In this interview, Gabriele Siegert explains where the journey is headed and how the initiative will benefit teaching staff and students.
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    Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute

    Looking at the Bigger Picture

    Covid infections are on the rise again. Time for UZH epidemiologists Milo Puhan and Viktor von Wyl to take stock and look ahead. With video.
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    UZH Teaching Award

    “Learning from one another”

    At the Dies academicus last Saturday, Classics scholar Christoph Riedweg was presented with the UZH teaching award. The award winner explains in this interview how he fires up students’ enthusiasm for his subject, and what he finds so interesting about Greek philology.
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    Digital expertise

    Political Masterclass

    Should Swiss legislators respond to the challenges of artificial intelligence? This year, the Digital Society Initiative offered background information and food for thought on this and other questions in a masterclass for parliamentarians.
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    Innovathon 2021

    Transforming Travel

    What will the transport of tomorrow look like? How will digitalization change the way we get around? In a new module run by the UZH Innovation Hub and the Digital Society Initiative, students from the University of Zurich examined the interdisciplinary challenges of digitalization and mobility. Over the course of a 48-hour “Innovathon”, they came up with creative ideas to solve real-world problems.
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    New Vice President Research

    Of Racing Bikes and Research

    Elisabeth Stark is UZH’s new Vice President Research. A linguist and expert in Romance languages, Stark wants to refine UZH’s research profile and promote cross-disciplinary collaboration.
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    Digitalization Initiative of the Zurich Higher Education Institutions

    DIZH Picking Up Steam

    In the next 10 years, the joint digitalization initiative by Zurich’s higher education institutions aims to explore the effects and opportunities of digitalization and develop innovative technologies. The initiative is now gradually taking shape, and the first round of calls for research and innovation projects has been launched.
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    Georg Friedrich Götz Award

    Georg Friedrich Götz Award

    Cancer researcher and physician Steffen Böttcher from the Medical Oncology and Hematology Clinic, and neuroscientist Silvia Brem from the University Hospital of Psychiatry Zurich, have been presented with the Georg Friedrich Götz Award. The prize is awarded annually for outstanding contributions in the field of medical research.
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    Plethora of Plants

    The herbaria of the University of Zurich and ETH house many historical plant discoveries, some of which are up to 300 years old. Now the paper-mounted plant samples are being digitized and made available for global use – in large part thanks to the work of committed volunteers.
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    “We can also learn from this situation”

    UZH has seen unparalleled changes this past week. What's next? In this interview interim president Gabriele Siegert answers some of the many questions UZH staff and students are asking in the current extraordinary situation.
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    Video Series “Standing Out”: Rolf Dörig

    Insurer Supreme

    Rolf Dörig is a household name in the business world as chairman of the board of directors of international companies such as Swiss Life or, until recently, the Adecco Group. Watch the video to find out what helped him build such a remarkable career and what he’d advise today’s students who want to reach the top.
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    Digitalization Initiative

    “Vote of confidence in Zurich as a research hub”

    The Parliament of the Canton of Zurich yesterday unanimously resolved to provide 108 million francs of funding for the DIZH, the ground-breaking joint initiative by Zurich’s higher education institutions.
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    Standing Out: Alex Rübel, Director of the Zurich Zoo

    Protecting What You Love

    Alex Rübel works with animals from all over the world, but has stayed loyal to his roots: Born and raised in Zurich, he studied veterinary medicine at UZH and has served as the Director of the Zurich Zoo for 28 successful years. Watch our video to find out what his plans are when he retires in 2020.
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    Video Series “Standing Out”: Martin Meuli, Pediatric and Fetal Surgeon

    Operate or Opera?

    As a medical student at UZH, Martin Meuli flirted with the idea of becoming a professional singer. In the end, he decided to pursue a career in medicine.
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    “Diversity is good for UZH”

    The University of Zurich is committed to promoting diversity and preventing discrimination through active and systematic measures. UZH’s Diversity Policy entered into force one year ago. Christiane Löwe and Jennifer J* Moos from the Office for Gender Equality and Diversity explain the ideas underlying the policy and how it is being implemented.
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    Video Series “Standing Out” Dominique Rinderknecht

    “The main thing is that you enjoy what you study”

    UZH alumna Dominique Rinderknecht moved into the spotlight as Miss Switzerland. Today she works as a brand ambassador and presenter, and her studies in media science proved a valuable resource for her current roles. In our video, she looks back on her time at UZH and shares her dreams for the future.
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    Video Series “Standing Out”

    Sustainable Success

    Daniel Muntwyler has been interested in sustainable investments ever since his days as a business administration student at UZH. Watch the video to find out what sparked his interest.