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Archive Theology and Study of Religions 2020

Article list Theology and Study of Religions

  • Fall Semester 2020 Ringvorlesungen

    Lectures on Humans, Health and Pestalozzi’s Legacy

    The University of Zurich’s latest round of public Ringvorlesungen explores what it means to be human, education in the age of technology, health in a digital society, and gender in the Middle Ages. The lecture series kicks off on 15 September.
  • Covid-19-Research Projects

    “Can anyone hear me here?”

    How do UZH professors give lectures to an empty room? How have churches gotten through the crisis? The special circumstances created by the coronavirus pandemic have raised new questions for research. We present two current projects.
  • Study of Religions

    The Fate of the Nameless Dead

    What happens to boat refugees who never reach the other shore? This question preoccupies religious studies scholar Daniela Stauffacher. She researches the official treatment of and rituals performed for migration victims in southern Italy.