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    Senate Reform

    Senate Reform

    The Senate of the University of Zurich wants to play a more active role in matters of university-wide importance. It recently approved measures to achieve this goal.Der Senat der UZH will sich aktiver einbringen in Fragen von gesamtuniversitärer Bedeutung. Eine kürzlich beschlossene Reform kommt diesem Anliegen nach.
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    Cafeteria Food and Carbon Footprints

    Decarb UZH is a strategic project that gives new momentum to achieving climate neutrality at UZH. The university is reviewing its current implementation strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as much as possible by 2030.
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    SNSF Advanced Grant

    CHF 2 Million for Neonatology Research

    Professor Martin Wolf has been awarded one of the coveted SNSF Advanced Grants 2023. His project to develop an imaging device capable of detecting hypoxia in premature babies will receive CHF 1.9 million of funding.
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    Facts and Role Models

    The sustainability team at UZH has been rebranded as the Sustainability Hub. Over the past decade, it has helped make the university more sustainable. In early September, hydrologist Jan Seibert was appointed as the new delegate for sustainability.
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    UZH Accessible

    “And then I’m trapped”

    How do blind users find their way around a website? How can they fill in information without using a mouse? People with disabilities face these and other challenges on a daily basis. The UZH Accessible project is currently assessing the accessibility of UZH’s web applications.
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    UZH 3R Award 2024

    Better Surgical Practice Improves Rodent Welfare

    Mandatory guidelines and training: this is how experimental surgery on mice can be optimized. Petra Seebeck and her team from Zurich Integrative Rodent Physiology won this year’s UZH 3R Award for the project. The second prize went to Benjamin Ineichen and his STRIDE Lab for the promotion of systematic literature searches.
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    UZH Representative Bodies

    “Good leadership can be learned”

    UZH is continuing to develop its leadership structure on a broad basis. What really matters from an employee perspective? A round table with delegates from the representative bodies and the leadership expert Klaus Jonas provides some answers.
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    UZH Finances

    Clear Roles and New Career Paths

    UZH is revamping its financial organization. The changes will provide university staff with more scope for action when planning and shaping research and teaching.
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    Social Responsibility

    Equality, Diversity and Inclusion under One Roof

    The Office for Gender Equality and Diversity’s mandate has been expanded to include people with disabilities. As a result, the office has been renamed as the Office for Equality, Diversity, Inclusion (EDI).
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    Gender Equality

    Childcare and Careers

    The University of Zurich can reflect on 35 years of work to promote gender equality: four women who champion this issue at UZH recount how they first got involved and what their experiences have been.
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    Building the Future at Irchel

    The 70s-era buildings on Irchel Campus are in need of renovation. The multipurpose building PORTAL UZH is at the heart of the university’s modernization plans.
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    Semester Preparations

    Looking Behind the Scenes

    Preparing a new semester is a lot of work. We asked seven members of UZH’s administrative and technical staff to take us through their pre-semester to-do lists, from feeding the course catalogue to casting actors.
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    Summer quiz solution

    You’ve guessed it!

    The summer quiz prompted numerous participants to delve into new fields of knowledge to find the winning keyword – WISSENSREISE. Many congratulations to the winners.
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    Middle East Conflict

    “The basis is mutual respect”

    UZH President Michael Schaepman emphasizes the key role of differentiated, open dialogue in the Middle East conflict. In the interview he also talks about the importance of showing empathy.