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    Künstliche Intelligenz

    UZH Students Embracing AI Tools

    The use of AI tools as study aids has become widespread at university. The DSI conducted a survey among students to find out how they use AI tools, where they see benefits and what concerns they may have.
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    Reducing Herbivore Damage Using Biodiversity

    Pesticides aren’t always necessary: researchers at the University of Zurich have conducted a comprehensive field study showing that damage from herbivores can be reduced by using biodiversity within a plant species.
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    Linguistics and Psychiatry

    Putting the Madness into Words

    Talking to other people about mental illnesses in day-to-day life is vital and will hopefully help people get better. An interdisciplinary research project is investigating the phenomenon with the aim of helping those affected.
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    Artificial Intelligence

    Tech-Savvy Farming

    Intelligent sensors can help farmers cultivate their fields without the need for huge amounts of data and complex calculations. UZH neuroinformatics specialist Chiara De Luca is developing neural networks that can monitor the status of agricultural land and systematically regulate the use of water, fertilizer and pesticides.
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    Studying and Teaching

    “Listen to your inner voice”

    Find out how 2024 Teaching Award winner Marc Thommen fosters interaction in his courses and why curiosity and enthusiasm are the best guiding lights to get students through their studies.
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    Less Inequality with AI

    Over the years, digitalization has led to the axing of many lower-skilled jobs, thereby polarizing the employment market. But AI could enhance some of the simpler jobs and reduce inequality.
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    Behavioral economics

    Public Discourse Promotes Socially Responsible Behavior

    Public discourse campaigns often promote social responsibility, but do such discussions also impact our market behavior? Economists at the University of Zurich have published a new study that shows that engaging in public discourse increases socially responsible market behavior – regardless of participants’ social norms and values.
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    Political Science

    “Switzerland is as deeply polarized as the USA”

    In many democracies, those on the left and right of the political divide are drifting further apart. Political discourse is increasingly spiteful and hostile. Silja Häusermann and Simon Bornschier from the Department of Political Science at UZH explain why this is the case and whether it poses a threat to democracy.
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    UZH Magazin

    Brains and Bots

    AI avatars, co-creation, job crafting, emotionally intelligent companies – the new UZH Magazin explores how digital technologies are changing our work and what this means for us.
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    Space Hub

    Space for New Ideas, Courage and Ambitious Goals

    The UZH Space Hub has relocated to Innovation Park Zurich. We sat down with Oliver Ullrich, the director of the Space Hub, to find out why space travel is about to experience a breakthrough and how we can pave the way for innovation.
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    UZH Space Hub

    UZH Bolsters Its Aerospace and Aviation Research at Innovation Park Zurich

    The UZH Space Hub leverages its strong interdisciplinary research and international network to help advance the fields of remote sensing, astrophysics, space life sciences and autonomous drone navigation. By relocating to Innovation Park Zurich, it is enabling researchers to build a unique space ecosystem.
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    Clinical translation

    Compact “Gene Scissor” Enables Effective Genome Editing

    TnpB is an ancestor of the well-known “gene scissor” CRISPR-Cas, but is much smaller and thus easier to transport into cells. Using protein engineering and AI algorithms, UZH researchers have now enhanced TnpB capabilities to make DNA editing more efficient and versatile, paving the way for treating a genetic defect for high cholesterol in the future.
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    Experimental economic research

    Aversion to Inequality Drives Support for Redistribution

    As income inequality widens, debates around redistribution policies are heating up. An international research team shows that support for these policies stems not only from individuals’ financial situations but also from an inherent aversion to inequality. This offers valuable insights into predicting public support for future redistribution policies.
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    Social Responsibility

    Equality, Diversity and Inclusion under One Roof

    The Office for Gender Equality and Diversity’s mandate has been expanded to include people with disabilities. As a result, the office has been renamed as the Office for Equality, Diversity, Inclusion (EDI).
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    Gender Equality

    Childcare and Careers

    The University of Zurich can reflect on 35 years of work to promote gender equality: four women who champion this issue at UZH recount how they first got involved and what their experiences have been.
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    Research Funding

    Three UZH Researchers Awarded SNSF Consolidator Grants

    The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) has approved Consolidator Grants for three projects at the University of Zurich. Additionally, 14 early-career researchers at UZH benefit from the SNSF funding program Ambizione.
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