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Research Funding

UZH Researchers Land Grants Worth Over CHF 15 Million

The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) is backing 10 projects at the University of Zurich with Starting Grants totaling more than CHF 15 million.
UZH Communications


Ten researchers at UZH receive a Starting Grant, six of which go to researchers from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. (Image: istock/Laurence Dutton)

The Swiss National Science Foundation awards Starting Grants to support researchers who lead an independent research project and direct a team of researchers in Switzerland. In the 2023 call for proposals, the projects of 10 UZH researchers have now been awarded funding. The funded projects include six based at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, two at the Faculty of Medicine, and one at the Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics. After a two-stage evaluation process, the SNSF selected 67 projects for funding out of the 447 applications evaluated for SNSF Starting Grants 2023. The research projects will run for five years on average and receive average funding of CHF 1.7 million.

The following UZH researchers have been awarded an SNSF Starting Grant:




Amount in CHF

Benita Combet

Moving up or stepping down? The influence of social closure mechanisms on workplace career development in the intersection between gender, migration and social background 

Department of Sociology


Anja Hasse

BOND: Birth of new dialects? – Swiss German in traditional Romansh areas

Deutsches Seminar


Lauren C. Howe

Flaw free or be me at work? Exploring the intersection of diversity and disclosure in leadership

Department of Business Administration


Clare Killikelly

Digital early detection of psychological disorder after the loss of a loved one: DeathGRIP (Grief Response in Post Pandemic Society)

Department of Psychology


Katharina Kusejko

Looking beyond borders: Disentangling international transmission dynamics towards ending the national HIV/AIDS epidemic in Switzerland

Department of Infectious Diseases and Hospital Epidemiology


Michael Messerli

Motivational Change

Philosophisches Seminar


Silvia Negri

Humility in theory and practice. Historical approaches across cultures (1250-1500)

Department of History


Samuel Nobs

Unraveling host-microbiome interactions in lung fibrosis

Institute of Physiology


Giuseppe Pietrantuono

Causes, Contexts, Consequences: Understanding Immigrant Integration through Citizenship (InterCitizen)

Department of Sociology


Flavia Wehrle

An Integrative Lifespan Approach to Health and Development

Abteilung für Entwicklungspädiatrie, Kispi
