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Economics and Informatics

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Article list Economics and Informatics

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    URPP Social Networks

    Values and Sustainability

    The way people behave in complex social relationships over time can now be analyzed in great detail thanks to methods developed by the URPP Social Networks.
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    Financing Climate Risks

    Crucial Gaps in Climate Risk Assessment Methods

    Researchers from the Universities of Zurich, Vienna and Utrecht have uncovered significant flaws in current climate risk assessment techniques that could lead to a severe underestimation of climate-related financial losses for businesses and investors.
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    URPP Financial Market Regulation

    “The next crisis can’t be prevented through regulation alone”

    Financial market law can’t prevent a bank going bankrupt – nor should it – but it should effectively limit the impact on systemic stability and stop contagion. This is the take-home message from the concluded URPP Financial Market Regulation. The program’s director Rolf Sethe takes a look back and reveals what he has found most surprising over the past 12 years of research.
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    UZH Robotics Research Leads the Way

    Davide Scaramuzza has been awarded the IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award. In the interview below, the professor of robotics and perception explains why a drone needs agility and low latency and which progress is needed to improve the autonomy of drones in the future.
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    Business Administration

    CEOs’ Human Concern Translates into Higher Stock Price

    CEOs’ expressions of empathy correlate with positive stock performance, a study led by the University of Zurich shows. The researchers analyzed data from conference calls between CEOs and financial analysts during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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    Loans for small businesses

    Closing the Microcredit Gender Gap in Ghana

    Small loans can help people establish and expand their small businesses. A field study in Ghana has now revealed that men ask for and receive more money from microcredit companies than women. However, if women are better informed, they are more likely to apply for higher amounts.
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    Initiative Sustainable Finance

    Building Bridges

    The Department of Finance at the University of Zurich has launched the "Initiative in Sustainable Finance". Its aim is to become a leading global center for research in this area and to promote dialogue between science, business, politics, and society.
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    School in Ghana

    Increasing Trust and Improving School Grades

    Mistrust between ethnic groups is a major problem for many African countries. Economist David Yanagizawa-Drott runs a project in Ghana that seeks to build up trust among ethnic groups and at the same time improve school teaching.
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    Behavioral economics

    Combination of Group Competition and Repeated Interactions Promotes Cooperation

    How did cooperative behavior prevail in human evolution? Researchers from the Universities of Zurich, Lausanne and Konstanz have challenged two prevailing explanations – repeated interactions on the one hand or group competition on the other. Instead, both mechanisms synergistically contribute to fostering cooperation effectively.
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    Innovative Teaching Projects – Part 3: Engaging

    From Learners to Co-Creators

    Teaching staff at UZH are developing an online tool that prompts students to come up with possible exam questions based on their teaching materials. This helps students consolidate what they have learned and also supports teaching staff in creating their exams.
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    Mining Coins

    Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin were created to circumvent the monopoly on money held by nation states and central banks. The digital currencies were to function more democratically and be widely disseminated. But the opposite has happened, blockchain researcher Claudio Tessone notes.
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    Innovative Teaching – Part 1: Individualized Teaching

    Ready for E-Learning

    In digital self-study areas, students can learn at their own pace, taking into account what they already know. An online training course developed at UZH supports teaching staff in setting up their own e-learning hubs.
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    UZH Postdoc Team Award

    A Smartwatch App to Tackle Long Covid

    A treatment for people suffering from Long Covid is yet to materialize. The only approach that has proven to be effective is for patients to manage their symptoms. Researchers at UZH have developed an innovative smartwatch application and app that help patients do this. The researchers have now been awarded this year’s UZH Postdoc Team Award.
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    "We have a lot to lose"

    The Corona pandemic and the Ukraine war are the two most recent events that put globalization to the test. In this interview, political scientist Stefanie Walter and economist David Dorn discuss the challenges for global cooperation and its future.
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    Criticism with care is more persuasive

    When unethical behavior is criticized, demands are often met with defensiveness and denial. New research shows that concern for their welfare makes people more open to criticism.
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    Feeling Good at Work

    Positive emotions are the cornerstone of successful and productive work. Economist Jochen Menges is exploring how the emotions of teams and therefore their performance can be influenced. His research shows that not everyone wants the same things.
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    Future of Work

    Mobile Working – A Balancing Act

    UZH recently concluded a pilot study to find out how the modern world of work can best satisfy the needs of employers and employees. Managing potentially contradictory wishes is key to success, found the study.
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    Applied Statistics

    Disk or Globe?

    Why is the Earth not flat, but spherical? Scientists at the University of Zurich have developed a new, easy-to-understand statistical method to determine the curvature of the Earth.
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    FAN Awards

    Heart Attacks, Science Fiction and Lessons from Organic Agriculture

    Three UZH junior researchers are honored with a FAN Award for their original work: Florian Wenzl for his research on personalized heart attack treatment, Jessica Imbach for her study of Chinese science fiction and Emilio Dal Re for revealing the unintended consequences of organic agriculture.