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Scientifica 2019

Will Robots Replace Doctors?

Come and find out at the Scientifica festival from 30 August to 1 September. Get a sneak preview with our teaser video.


Will artificial intelligence replace doctors? You will find the answer in our video.

Researchers spend their days thinking about things that are currently beyond the realms of possibility.

Much of what UZH and ETH Zurich scientists deal with on a daily basis sounds like science fiction today, but could become commonplace aspects of future life. At Scientifica, researchers present their projects and concepts at exhibition stands, workshops, short lectures and many other events. They also discuss with the public the impact that their ideas could have on society.

In a time of fake news and alternative facts, the importance of scientific scholarship becomes even greater. Of course, our scientists won’t be able to answer every question. But they can at least provide certain facts as a basis for debate in society. This aim is reflected in the theme for this year’s Scientifica: “Science Fiction – Science Facts”.

Scientifica is the largest science festival in Switzerland and will take place from 30 August to 1 September at the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich. Whet your appetite ahead of the festival with our short video series.


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