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UZH News

Archive Events 2021

Article list Events

  • Quantitative Biomedicine

    Bridging the Gap to Patients

    This week, the University of Zurich held a symposium to mark the newly established Department of Quantitative Biomedicine. The research institute strengthens UZH’s standing in the field of precision medicine. We met with its director Bernd Bodenmiller to discuss how the department’s methods can be used to benefit patients.
  • Global Science Film Festival

    The shortest distance between science and society is cinema

    Who benefits from a functioning ecological infrastructure? What do turtles have to do with human communication? Can protons and Indian classical dance be brought together? Answers to these and many other questions can be found at the Global Science Film Festival in Zurich's Filmpodium.
  • URRP Human Reproduction Reloaded

    Genetic Scissors and the Future of Humanity

    The CRISPR genetic scissors enable the genetic material of living organisms to be modified in a targeted manner. The discovery has enormous implications for science and society. The kick-off event of the University Research Priority Program (URPP) “Human Reproduction Reloaded | H2R” focused on the potential and dangers of CRISPR.
  • Swiss LGBTI-Label

    Diversity-Gütesiegel für die UZH

    The University of Zurich has received the Swiss LGBTI Label. The label certifies that UZH embraces a culture of openness, inclusion and appreciation towards LGBTI people.
  • AAAS Meeting

    Remote Sensing AAAS

    Next week, leading researchers from a variety of fields will come together at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). The virtual conference will also feature a talk by UZH President Michael Schaepman on how remote sensing can help protect biodiversity.