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Archive Mathematics and Natural Sciences 2021

Article list Mathematics and Natural Sciences

  • Astronomy

    How did the peculiar moons of Uranus form?

    The peculiar characteristics of Uranus’ moons have been a topic of debate in astronomy for decades. Using of state-of-the-art supercomputing and interdisciplinary expertise, researchers of the University of Zurich, who are part of the National Centre of Competence in Research PlanetS, have proposed a detailed answer in a new study.
  • Ein Planet verschiebt die Grenzen des Möglichen

    An international team of researchers with participation of the National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) PlanetS, the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich has succeeded in capturing an image of a very special planet. No known planet orbits a hotter or more massive star system. Some astronomers even considered it impossible for planets to exist in such an environment.
  • Quantitative Biomedicine

    Bridging the Gap to Patients

    This week, the University of Zurich held a symposium to mark the newly established Department of Quantitative Biomedicine. The research institute strengthens UZH’s standing in the field of precision medicine. We met with its director Bernd Bodenmiller to discuss how the department’s methods can be used to benefit patients.
  • Antibiotics Research

    Artificial Bacteria Devourers

    Eliminating harmful bacteria with targeted viruses and novel antibiotics: Researchers at UZH are developing new weapons in the fight against multi-resistant bugs.
  • UZH Magazin

    Healthy People, Healthy Animals

    Bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics and pathogens that spread from animals to humans are posing major problems for medicine. To combat them, researchers from various fields need to work hand in hand. This approach has become known as One Health, and the latest issue of the UZH Magazin offers an in-depth look at the topic.
  • Astrophysics

    The planet does not fall far from the star

    A compositional link between planets and their respective host star has long been assumed in astronomy. For the first time now, a team of scientists, with the participation of researchers of the National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) PlanetS from the University of Zurich and the University of Bern, have delivered empirical evidence to support the assumption – and partly contradict it at the same time.
  • Language Evolution

    Humans and chimps

    Human communication is much more complex than all other forms of animal communication. And yet, monkeys and meerkats are also able to use language. Research into animal languages can help us understand how human language evolved.
  • Astronomy

    Like star, like planet

    One of the patterns emerging from the thousands of exoplanets that astronomers have discovered to date, is that the larger planets often orbit more massive stars. The reason behind it was unknown. A new study led by scientists at the University of Zurich, and members associated with the National Center of Competence in Researc (NCCR) PlanetS offers an answer to this cosmic mystery.
  • Evolutionary biology

    Courting Females

    In the animal kingdom, it’s the ladies who get to pick their partners. So if males want to mate, they have to woo females and outshine their rivals. UZH biologist Stefan Lüpold examines what gives male animals the edge when it comes to sexual selection.
  • How Human Language Evolved

    Action Movies for Apes

    Our brains tend to perceive events as causal. Researchers at the NCCR Evolving Language are now exploring whether this is the same for great apes at Basel Zoo. This ability may hold the key to finding the origins of grammar.
  • Evolving Language

    Babbling and Barking

    Language is our most powerful tool. It evolved along with our species over the millennia. The UZH-led NCCR Evolving Language explores how exactly this came about. The new UZH Magazine shines a light on how animals communicate, how human language developed, and how it spread across the globe.
  • Neuroscience

    Thinking in Technicolor

    Tommaso Patriarchi's ambition is to decipher the brain's chemical language – using neurosensors that he has developed himself.
  • Biochemistry

    Goodbye to Back Pain

    Back pain: a disease common to many. However, with his newly developed stem cell therapy, biochemist Stefan Dudli is hoping to make it a thing of the past.
  • Corona and Science

    Research Quality During the Pandemic

    Infectious disease specialist Huldrych Günthard treats coronavirus patients at the UniversityHospital Zurich (USZ), while biostatistician Leonhard Held evaluates the plethora of publications on the pandemic. We talk about coronavirus, vaccination and research quality during the crisis.
  • Junior Researchers

    Making It in Academia

    An academic career involves a great deal of uncertainty. For junior researchers, success is as much about passion and enthusiasm as it is about perseverance, resilience and luck.
  • Precision Medicine

    Targeted Therapies thanks to Biomedical Informatics

    The LOOP Zurich, the new medical research center in Zurich, promotes patient-focused therapies. To achieve its goals, the center brings together specialist knowledge in the fields of biomedicine, bioinformatics and clinical research from the University of Zurich, ETH Zurich as well as Zurich’s four university hospitals. Two of The LOOP Zurich’s first research consortia have now started developing innovative treatments methods in oncology and neurorehabilitation.
  • Agroecology

    Planting Underpants

    Biologist Marcel van der Heijden aims to increase agricultural yields – not just with artificial fertilizers, pesticides, and GM technology, but also fungi and other microorganisms. He's not afraid to resort to less conventional research methods, either.
  • FAN Awards 2021

    Neues Mikroskop, Sprache im Alter und Menschenrechte

    This year’s FAN Awards have gone to Fabian Voigt, Minxia Luo and Angela Müller. In their outstanding PhD theses, the junior researchers explore a new specialist microscope, language use in old age and the extraterritorial application of human rights.
  • Exhibition

    Showcasing the Natural Sciences

    The new Science Exploratorium shines a light on research at UZH’s Faculty of Science. Current exhibitions provide visitors with insights into the collection of the UZH Botanical Museum, the field of particle physics, research on high-temperature superconductivity and a citizen science project on hydrology.
  • Astrophysics

    Martian moons have a common ancestor

    Phobos and Deimos are the remains of a larger Martian moon that was disrupted between 1 and 2.7 billion years ago, say researchers from the Institute of Geophysics at ETH Zurich and the Physics Institute at the University of Zurich. In collaboration with the U.S. Naval Observatory, they reached this conclusion using computer simulations and seismic recordings from the InSight Mars mission.
  • Astrophysics

    A new way of forming planets

    Scientists of the Universities of Zurich and Cambridge, associated with the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research PlanetS, suggest a new explanation for the abundance in intermediate-mass exoplanets – a long-standing puzzle of astronomy.
  • Chemistry

    Pringles and the Role of Chance

    Chemists Michel Rickhaus and Fabian von Rohr specialize in looking for new materials that could play an important role in the electronics of the future.
  • AAAS Meeting

    Remote Sensing AAAS

    Next week, leading researchers from a variety of fields will come together at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). The virtual conference will also feature a talk by UZH President Michael Schaepman on how remote sensing can help protect biodiversity.
  • Astrophysics

    The importance of theory in exoplanetary science

    Scientists at the University of Zurich associated with the National Center of Competence in Research PlanetS reveal considerable uncertainties in the theoretical understanding of giant gas planets. This emphasizes the importance of further developing theoretical aspects of exoplanetary characterization.